Save Money - FlareAlert
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  • Hours:7:00am-4:00pm MST (Closed Sat-Sun)

Save Money

Protect yourself and save money by using FlareAlert LED emergency lights

LED Beacon Light


The graph above shows you the comparison when 8 Beacons, 8 Beacon Pros, and 8 strike flares are used. As shown in the graph, to maintain a consistent 8 flare layout (accident scene, lane closure, traffic breakdown, etc.) you could possibly spend up at $600 worth of strike flares. FlareAlert’s LED emergency lights require a one-time purchase with only the need of battery replacement.

How FlareAlert can Save You Money

Strike Flares

  • Strike flare average cost: $3.00 per hour
  • Last 30 minutes to 2 hours

FlareAlert LED Emergency Lights

  • FlareAlert LED emergency Beacon cost: $15
  • Last 70 hours minimum

FlareAlert’s LED Beacons are not only better for the environment and safer for the user, but they will also save money in the long run. The cost of a strike flare is just a few dollars, about the cost of 4 AA batteries (which operates FlareAlert’s LED flares).


We are a family-owned and operated business located in Colorado. We have always focused on offering the best quality products at competitive prices. We take great pride in all of our offerings and are tirelessly searching for innovative ways to improve on what our customers need. We also strive to take necessary steps to be environmentally friendly through our products and packaging.

Contact Us

Phone:303.652.6164 Hours:Mon - Fri - 7:00am - 4:00pm MST (Closed Sat - Sun)
© Copyright 2017 - FlareAlert, a division of The Keystone Group