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Project Manager
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Creative Director
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Creative Staff
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Project Manager
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
The Hinsdale County Sheriff’s Office has been using the FlareAlert systems for about five years now. I had been a user of the old style incendiary road flares for 35 years as an Arizona State Trooper and as the Hinsdale County Sheriff. However, especially in our densely wooded high altitude Rocky Mountain terrain, the incendiaries became concerning to me, for the obvious fire hazard they created. If an errant vehicle crossed over a burning flare, the sparks would fly in a significant area and would often create a shoulder fire, requiring us to divert attention from the primary task and get the fire put out before it could take off.
The FlareAlert system works well both in the daytime as well as at night. However, in dim or full dark is where they really stand out! Personally I have found they work better than the old incendiary flares.
I would encourage those agencies looking for a safer alternative to give FlareAlert a serious look. They are more expensive up front but in the end will save a lot of money over repeated case after case of the incendiary flares.
As the saying goes, “They get my stamp of approval”
Hinsdale County Sheriff Ronald B. Bruce
Hinsdale County Sheriff Ronald B. Bruce,
I would like to compliment you on a very fine device. I was a college student in Rochester, NY, during the last 4 years and I used my beacons more times than I can count. Winters in Rochester, which could last around 5 months, could be particularly harsh since it’s near one of the Great Lakes. There were always people off the road, getting flat tires or with dead batteries or spun out because of the snow. If I could safely help them, I always pulled over and immediately slapped these on both my bumper and theirs. The beacons always got other drivers to slow down recognize something was wrong
proceed cautiously around us until official help could arriveTurning them on with thick gloves on was also not a problem, nor was handling them to place them on the vehicles or roadway. Interstates 390, 490 and 590 were no place to get stuck on the cold, dark nights, and it was reassuring to know that I could help other drivers, and help them effectively, even if it meant just giving them a warm car to hang out in. By the way, the beacons even still have their original batteries, even with being so bright!
Thank you for your time in reading this message, and thank you for making a wonderfully useful product.
G. Doherty,
I love your product. I feel so much safer in my car. Circa 1980 I was driving back from a weekend vacation at the beach south of Tallahassee, FL. It was very rural and very dark. Few people are ever on this road and I was cooking along at a pretty good clip even though it was a two-lane highway.I went over a hill and suddenly there was a wreck right in front of me. I could not stop. I ran right over the motorcycle that was lying on it’s side. A man flew high into the air like a rag doll (turned out he was drunk). I hadn’t seen him; only the motorcycle. We all got out of the car and went to the side of the road with the driver of the car who’d hit the motorcycle, but we had no way to warn anyone else coming over the hill. Fortunately no one did. Miraculously, the guy lived (the whole thing had been his fault it turns out). For many years I carried flares and always worried if they’d work if I needed them, could I find a match, etc. It was a very traumatic experience. When I found your product in Lowe’s, I bought one for everyone I love. There’s your testimonial for the day!
Take care and thanks again,Carol Frysinger,
Let me tell you why I love your FlareAlert Beacons. A few days ago I was driving on the New Jersey Garden State Parkway on a rainy late afternoon. I had a tire blowout and limped to the side of the parkway. I barely had enough room to park off the roadway. A few feet ahead of me was the high speed exit ramp for N.J route 35. I was trapped! Here I was, stranded in the rain, darkness falling quickly, with cars zooming right by me. Remembering I had your emergency beacons, I reached under my seat and took out the compact carrying case. Turning the FlareAlert Beacons on, I opened my car window and placed one on my roof and one on my car door. The magnets stuck firmly to my cars rain slick sheet metal.
I never had to get out of my automobile! A few minutes later, A State Trooper pulled up to help me. He said he saw my beacons flashing in the rainy night and stopped to help. The trooper called a tow truck operator who changed my flat to my spare tire. Soon I was away from this dangerous situation. I am convinced your FlareAlert Beacons helped to keep me safe until help arrived! Please find enclosed an order for two more Beacon sets. One extra for myself and one I am going to put in my girlfriends car. Thank you for making such a great product. It is peace of mind in a carrying case under my front seat.
Bob Prichett,