Protect yourself, others, and your equipment by switching to FlareAlert’s LED emergency lights today.
- Strike flares ingredients are known to be corrosive to the eyes, as well as irritants to the skin and lungs
- Strike flares can emit molten flakes, which put the user at risk for burns, damaged equipment, or even damaged vehicles
- Many professional users (police/fire departments) have a tendency to burn their expensive uniforms and put holes in them
- Strike flares contain sulfur, potassium perchlorate, and strontium nitrate, which can enhance combustion (making it more dangerous for the user and the environment) as well as find a way into ground water
FlareAlert’s LED emergency lights are safe to use near anyone or anything, eliminating the risk of burns, or damaged to any expensive gear/equipment. They don’t contain dangerous chemicals like those in strike flares and are completely safe to use.