FlareAlert originally developed their LED flares for uses in emergencies. The typical road flare is made of combustible materials designed to ignite and cause a spark to keep the flame going. The traditional road flare will burn out in about 15 min. FlareAlert’s LED road flares are designed to last 20-140 hours depending on mode and model . These LED flares will not only save you time from deploying incendiary flares, but also save money by avoiding the constant reapplication which will also keep you safe as you will not need to go back into traffic to reapply the flare. You can also avoid burning yourself and avoid the use of expensive uniforms. Using LED flares also eliminates using dangerous chemicals that can damage the environment, or possibly start a fire. In the end, by switching from strike flares, you can save money, protect the environment, and protect yourself. FlareAlert’s LED emergency flares can be used many different ways. No matter what the reason is for attempting to grab peoples’ attention, FlareAlert’s LED lights are here to save the day. Given these facts, we have found the two most common categories for the use of LED flares to be either professional use or recreational use.
Professionals tend to use, and need, FlareAlert’s LED road flares more frequently, possibly even every day. Professional uses are typically for safety reasons or the situation of their working conditions. These types of users are more of law enforcement officials, fire departments, hospitals, military, etc. Professional users often find FlareAlert’s LED flares can be useful for DUI checkpoints, lane closures, simulations/training, search and rescue, traffic control, or even crowd control. These LED flares are also extremely useful for helicopter LZs (landing zones). We have also seen professionals who work in low light conditions and are unable to use flames such as construction, mining, work zone, etc. FlareAlert’s LED Beacons are also commonly used in warehouses and other industrial settings. Some of these uses include spill or hazardous markings, non-verbal communication, or general warehouse (forklift) safety. Regardless of the situation, FlareAlert’s LED beacons are guaranteed to make your environment safer.

Law Enforcement
- DUI Checkpoints
- Lane Closures
- Traffic Control
- Crowd Control

Fire Departments
- LZs
- Lane Closure
- Fire simulation and training

Industrial Uses
- Warehouse Safety
- Forklift Safety
- Spills
- Nonverbal Communication

- LZs
- Training
- Search and Rescue
Recreational users, or civilian users, find FlareAlert’s emergency flares to be quite useful as well. For these types of users, our LED flares can be used in wide variety of settings such as personal traffic breakdowns, boating, fishing, hiking, RVs, biking, power outages, and many more! Non emergency recreational uses can be for low light conditions or conditions where electricity may not available for a variety of reasons.
Our LED road flares are small and light weight. They are easy to carry & travel with, making them a great addition to any emergency kit, boating, camping or professional work situation. FlareAlert’s LED beacons are portable, magnetic, crush resistant, and easy to use. They also will save you money, protect you, and the environment.
FlareAlert’s LED road flares are extremely versatile. With its’ super bright LED light, strong magnetic base, and crush resistant lens, both professional and recreation users continue to find new and interesting ways to utilize FlareAlert’s LED Beacons. Find out more about our LED Flares features & benefits.